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Thursday, July 30, 2015

National Geographic Elephants on Parade

via National Geographic Photo of the Day

Sunny tomorrow! (July 31, 2015)

With a high of 93F and a low of 61F.

Windows 10!

Yesterday we got Windows 10!

NASA Frosty Gullies on the Northern Plains of Mars

Seasonal frost commonly forms at middle and high latitudes on Mars, much like winter snow on Earth. However, on Mars most frost is carbon dioxide (dry ice) rather than water ice. This frost appears to cause surface activity, including flows in gullies. via NASA

Mostly Sunny today! For Orem, UT

With a high of 92F and a low of 59F. Current temp 70 Current condition Fair. Sunrise at July 30, 2015 at 06:20AM sunset at July 30, 2015 at 08:42PM. Humidity 38%.