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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

National Geographic 'You Dropped Something!'

via National Geographic Photo of the Day

Partly Cloudy tomorrow! (August 17, 2016)

With a high of 89F and a low of 62F.

NASA Lake Powell From the Space Station's EarthKAM

The remotely controlled Sally Ride EarthKAM aboard the International Space Station acquired this photograph on July 14, 2016, as the orbiting laboratory flew over Lake Powell and the border of Utah and Arizona. Located on the Colorado River, Lake Powell is the second largest artificial reservoir in the United States. via NASA

Mostly Sunny today! For Orem, UT

With a high of 91F and a low of 60F. Current temp 72 Current condition Mostly Cloudy. Sunrise at August 16, 2016 at 06:39AM sunset at August 16, 2016 at 08:23PM. Humidity 32%.