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Monday, September 14, 2015

National Geographic Featherweights

via National Geographic Photo of the Day

Thunderstorms tomorrow! (September 15, 2015)

With a high of 71F and a low of 58F.

NASA Good Morning From the International Space Station

NASA astronaut Scott Kelly shared this photograph on social media, taken from the International Space Station on Sept. 10, 2015. Kelly wrote, "#GoodMorning Texas! Great view of you, the #moon , and #Venus this morning. #YearInSpace" via NASA

Rain tomorrow!

With a low of 58F and a high of 70F.

Scattered Thunderstorms today! For Orem, UT

With a high of 82F and a low of 62F. Current temp 63 Current condition Fair. Sunrise at September 14, 2015 at 07:03AM sunset at September 14, 2015 at 07:38PM. Humidity 42%.